
A city of bookshops and inns, Udine is a city with a mysterious name and many faces. It is like a country town, both simple and refined, friendly and cultured. It was the capital of the medieval Patria del Friuli. Its ancient history is legendary; Attila is said to have created the castle hill that still dominates the historic centre.

You can start by visiting the castle museums and then head into the city centre to see the works of art of Tiepolo and Casa Cavazzini, an elegant place with modern and contemporary art. From Piazza Libertà, reminiscent of Friuli's connection with Venice, you can walk through medieval alleys and picturesque canals to Piazza Matteotti. It is like a city lounge with arcades, where the people of Udine love to have a coffee or an evening aperitif.

Udine is at the centre of a region with 10 DOC and 4 DOCG zones, producing a total of 80 million bottles a year. The city honours this wine-growing tradition with historical taverns offering local gastronomic specialities.

Fonte: Promoturismo fvg

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