
Thepainted city: this is how Pordenone is called, due to the many frescoed palaces that can be admired along the course through the historic centre. Ma il passato si riconosce solo nell’aspetto: oggi Pordenone è in realtà una città aperta ad accogliere le sfide del presente e del futuro. Dynamism and creativity are evident in the artistic, musical and literary production and inthe many international eventsthat have made it a rich and original cultural reality.

The heart of the city, with its cafés, pastry shops and elegant boutiques, is ideal for a stroll between shopping and art. The city was the birthplace of the great Renaissance painter Giovanni Antonio de Sacchis, better known as 'il Pordenone', whose masterpieces can be seen in St. Mark's Cathedral and the beautiful Museo civico d'Arte.

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