
Moruzzo is located in the hills of Friuli. There you can see a beautiful panorama from the hills to the Friulian plain to the lagoon, when the sky is clear.

Moruzzo has very ancient origins. Around the Castle and under the Hill of Moruzzo, ancient objects and utensils, such as tombs and urns, from the 6th and 5th centuries BC have been found.

Il nome "Moruzzo" viene dalla parola latina "murus". Questo potrebbe significare che molto tempo fa, durante i tempi dei Romani, c'era una costruzione difensiva in quella zona. Questo potrebbe essere vero perché il confine dell'area di Aquileia passava da Moruzzo e Rive d'Arcano.

During the Middle Ages, four castles were built in Moruzzo. They had different histories and different families owned them. The names were Gruagno Castle, Moruzzo Castle and the two Brazzacco Castles.

There is a beautiful village called Santa Margherita del Gruagno in Moruzzo. It has an ancient church called pieve, built in Roman times.

The Moruzzo lime tree is very old. It is one of the oldest trees in Italy. People who study plants say it is over 500 years old.

External links:

Page from the website of Promoturismo FVG

Official page of the Municipality of Moruzzo

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