
Martignacco is an ancient place, inhabited by Celts and Romans a long time ago. In the past, there was an important road that connected the nearby villages to Aquileia.

During World War I, the King of Italy had his headquarters in Torreano, a part of Martignacco. He used three different villas: Prampero, Cantarussi, and Linussa.

The Park of the Blessed Bertrando Meadows is a special place in Martignacco. It's big, about 230 hectares, with fields, meadows, and small woods. Inside, there are roads that people can use for cycling, walking, or with tractors. There are also signs with explanations about the trees and plants of the area.

External links:

Page from Promoturismo FVG website

Official site of Comune di Martignacco

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