
In Claut, the houses are made of stone and have facades decorated with porticoes and small loggias. These details make the houses less severe. There is a special door called the 'snow door'. It is a security door built on the first floor so that if snow blocks the door on the ground floor, people can still get in.

There is a museum called the 'Museo della Casa Clautana' (Claut House Museum) that tells the story of the life of the women of Claut. These women looked after the house, fields, stables and sometimes sold wooden objects made by the men in winter. During the summer, the museum shows temporary exhibitions on interesting topics about life in the valley.

The municipality also has a contemporary art museum and a venue for meetings and conferences.

In the Ice Stadium there is a rink for skating and curling. But the most beautiful thing, as in many places in the valley, is the natural environment. There are many paths for walking or cycling, some easy and some a little more challenging, leading to interesting places.

If you want a special experience, in Claut you can sleep in Italy's first tree village.

In Pinedo, a part of Claut, you can buy 'papusse', typical Friulian shoes. They are recognisable by the sole made from bicycle tyres and the hand-stitching.

External links:

Page from the website of Promoturismo FVG

Official website of the municipality of Claut

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